About Us

Through the creation of safe, calm and reliable environments that are designed and understood using psychodynamic and systemic principles, we can break the cycle of trauma for our children by helping them move on from their past

Social mission

We recognise that the current model of private residential care is broken and too often fails children. We believe private equity has no place in this sector and that profit driven organisations are part of the problem, we also recognise that Local Authority run services have their limitations and understand the move to outsource these services to the private sector.

We believe that there is a middle way where the needs of children can be met in a sustainable way through a model of social enterprise.

Social enterprises are businesses that are changing the world for the better. Like traditional businesses we aim to make a profit but it’s what we do with our profits that sets us apart – reinvesting to create positive social change.


By providing services in the open market, we create employment and reinvest our profits back into our business. This allows us to tackle social problems caused by family breakdown and improve the life chances of the children who have been taken into care as a result.

We provide emotional and behavioural support for them as well as training and employment opportunities for our colleagues. We care for children from the local area, therefore supporting the communities in which we operate.

We’re providing safe and nurturing environments where children suffering the impacts of trauma can build stable relationships and begin to manage their emotions and behaviours in a positive way.

We’re creating jobs and opportunities for those who may have no previous experience or qualifications, having a positive impact on the communities we work in and providing local authorities with quality services at moral value.


At Woodford we don’t stop

we keep going, consistent and reliable practice does not come easily

Everyday we must be prepared to rise to the challenge, work hard and be patient, celebrate the small wins and change will come